HYDROFORUM 2023 – 50 years are gone!
Added: 19.11.2023

At the beginning of October, 50 years have passed since the HYDROFORUM'73 scientific and technical conference which was organized by the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Northern District Power Works. The conference cycle initiated at this time is now continued by the annual Polish Hydropower Conferences HYDROFORUM. The permanent co-organizers are: the Polish Hydropower Association (TEW), the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) and the Polish Association for Small Hydropower Development (TRMEW). This year conference took place on 25-26 October at the Scandic Wrocław Hotel. The local co-organizer was the Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Committee on Energy Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the State Water Holding "Polish Waters", the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers and the Polish Association of Water and Land Reclamation Engineers and Technicians.

The event was attended by 116 people representing 50 institutions, enterprises and NGOs. During 10 conference sessions, 35 contributions were presented. The central point of the first day meeting was the HYDROFORUM Debate entitled "Pumped-storage power generation and its dilemmas". The debate was chaired by the Honorary President of TEW, Mr Stanisław Lewandowski. The panellist team included representatives of the management staff of 4 public power industry companies: ZEW Niedzica SA, Energa Wytwarzanie SA, Enea Nowa Energia Sp. z o.o. and Tauron Ekoenergia Sp. z o.o.

The conference was opened by the IMP PAN Director and Professor, Dr Marcin Lackowski. The jubi-lee character of the event was emphasized by the occasional speech of Dr Janusz Steller, the Chair-man of the TEW Board and a co-worker of the IMP PAN Centre of Heat and Power Engineering , as well as a glass of sparkling wine, which initiated the traditional HYDROFORUM Reception. The event programme included also a study visit to the Malczyce Water Barrage on 27 October. Some of the participants took the opportunity to visit the monastery complex in Lubiąż – a magnificent pearl of Lower Silesian architecture, one of the largest monuments of this kind in Europe.

A book of abstracts, containing the texts of conference papers in the form of abstracts or mini-articles, was made available from the IMP PAN and TEW websites to all interested parties prior to the conference. At the time this text is being written a photo-report of the whole event is already available from the TEW website. In the beginning of December conference presentations, as well as a conference report, will be also made available from the same website. Finally, before the end of the year some authors will be invited to prepare post-conference papers for publication in the "Energetyka Wodna" quarterly and in “Transactions of the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery” an IMP PAN scientific journal.

Links to information material:

—  Announcement No. 2

 Book of abstracts


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