Centre of Mechanics of Machines

Wiesław Ostachowicz
Wiesław Ostachowicz
  • Job Info
    C4 - Head
    Position Title:
    Prof., D.Sc., Ph.D., Eng.
    Position Description:
    Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    Head of the Centre of Mechanics of Machines
    Head of the Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Department
    Chairman of the IMP PAN Scientific Board
    Contact Info
    +48 58 5225 285
    F 327
  • Personal Info

    Prof Wieslaw Ostachowicz was graduated from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland (receiving the MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering). He defended his PhD and DSc (in Mechanical Engineering). In 1989 he was nominated for the Professor position. He is a Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (elected on December 1, 2016).

    Prof W. Ostachowicz has led dynamics research at the IMP PAN for over thirty-five years. He specializes in several important sub-disciplines, such as structural health monitoring techniques, vibration control, structural dynamics, composite structures, multifunctional materials, smart materials and structures, and damage assessment of structures, working theoretically and experimentally in these fields. Among others, his research focused on developing and using the Spectral Finite Element Method for damage assessment and smart materials applications. His research in guided wave propagation has created numerous vibroacoustic–ultrasonic methods for damage detection using smart sensor technologies. Those methods have demonstrated effectiveness and sensitivity to small cracks in metallic and composite structures, without load, boundaries, temperature, or environmental conditions restrictions.

    The list of his temporary positions opens visiting professor at the Syracuse University, USA (1980–1981). He was also employed as an expert of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) at the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico (1987, 1990). He was visiting professor at the University of Glasgow, UK (2000–2003) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Paris, France (2017).

    Prof. Ostachowicz published 431 archival international journal papers, 532 refereed international conference papers, and over 200 technical reports, predominantly in damage detection, structural health monitoring, and advanced signal processing areas. Also, he published over 45 articles (in the English language) in Polish journals. Prof W. Ostachowicz published 5 monographs, 7 book chapters, 4 proceedings volumes in the fields of structural dynamics and SHM. Worldwide famous publishers have published these as Springer, Wiley, Kluwer, World Scientific, CRC Press, etc. The 358 papers currently represented on the JCR Web of Science are uniformly distributed in the highest–quality international journals and have attracted 5590 citations (4890 without self–citations). Eight of his publications have been cited over 100 times (one 424 times). His most highly cited book, published in 2012 by Wiley (Guided Waves in Structures for SHM), has been cited 156 times. His H index equals H=42 (Web of Science) and H=43 (Scopus). His name was included in the high position (1%) in the ranking list of the World's Top 2% Scientists, which means the most recognizable scientists in the world. The list was prepared by specialists from Stanford University, Elsevier Publishing House, and SciTech Strategies.

    Prof Ostachowicz participated in the investigation of 24 international research projects as a coordinator, leader of WP (Work Package), or the main contractor, including the European Commission, NATO, EPSRC, US Army. He was an evaluator of ERC (European Research Council) projects, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Science Research Council) projects, EC FP–7 Projects, and ESF (European Science Foundation).

    Prof Ostachowicz is the co-author of 4 patents, including one foreign - European Patent Office, title: Structural Health Monitoring System. Patent EP2485026 (A1), joint with the Boeing R&T Europe, 2012 (Kudela P., Ostachowicz W., Kawiecki G., Rodrigez R.M).

    Presently prof Ostachowicz is involved in work (as editor/associate editor) for the following journals: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (Elsevier), Structural Health Monitoring (SAGE Publications), Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (SAGE Publ.), Smart Materials and Structures (IOP Publ.), ASME Journal - Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems; Editorial Board Member, Strain (Wiley), Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SAGE Publications).

    He has been an invited lecturer at several prestigious institutions and lecture series such as Structural Health Monitoring of Military Vehicles (supported by NATO STO AVT-220 Programme): Vancouver (Canada), Berlin (Germany), Madrid (Spain), Bilbao (Spain); Structural Health Monitoring (supported by EC FP-6 Programme): Madrid (Spain), Siegen (Germany), Sheffield (UK), Cracow (Poland), Lisbon (Portugal), Patras (Greece), Roskilde (Denmark), Barcelona (Spain), Hamburg (Germany); International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM) Courses || Udine (Italy): 2008, 2011 and Summer Schools in Trento (Italy): 2012–2018 (7 times).

    Prof. Ostachowicz’s research has extensive experience of collaborating with the industrial partners including Airbus, Boeing from the aerospace industry as well as several big players such as Siemens, from the wind energy sector and hence his research is highly applicable and relevant to the fields of study.

    Prof. Ostachowicz was the supervisor of 16 PhD dissertations. Also, he reviewed several PhD thesis and professor positions in the United Kingdom, South Africa, USA, Italy, France, Japan, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Australia, Netherlands, etc.

    Prof. Ostachowicz has received several prestigious awards and distinctions, among others Medal of O.C. Zienkiewicz (2013), EU Dragon–STAR Innovation Award (1st place) as confirmation of cooperation between Poland (Polish Academy of Sciences) and China (Hohai University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), 2015, and SHM Life Achievements Award (sponsored by Boeing Co.), Stanford University, USA (2019). He was recently nominated for the Chaiman position of the SPIE Conference on Smart Structures and NDE Evaluation position, March 2022, Long Beach, California.

    More details you find in ORCID


Centre Structure

In Machine Mechanics Centre there are operating three groups:

Department conducts works in the area of machine dynamics and in particular of the thermal fluid-flow machinery. The models developed on the basis of finite elements are being used for modelling of real objects. Investigations are concentrated on the vibration problems, strength and life span of the construction elements of steam turbines (blades, rotor discs, bodies). The models have been developed with account of the real object operation conditions. The Department developed original models of damaged machine elements (for example containing fatigue cracks). Additionally, in the Department conducted are the works in the area of statics and dynamics of composite constructions. These works are dealing with the composites having controllable mechanical properties (where the reinforcing elements with the shape memory are used). Conducted are also investigations of the dynamics of composite constructions with typical damages (cracks, delaminations, etc).

The research interests are also focused on the problems of non-linear theory and numerical analysis of shell structures, including the non-regular shells with material defects. Additionally conducted are the investigations of the dynamics (free vibrations, excited vibrations and self-excited vibrations) of the strength of the blade systems and rotors of steam turbines with account of operation conditions. The final stream of investigations is a multi-scale and geometrical modelling of solids with microstructure, including amongst the others the problems of martensitic transformation, cracks, friction, fatigue and damages.

Department conducts its scientific activities in the area of modelling of dynamical interactions taking place in subsystems of the type: line of rotors - slide bearings - supports- foundation. Developed have been spatial models of heat transfer in bearing nodes and non-linear methods of description of such system. A non-linear description enables application of developed tools to the diagnostic purposes by the model of large power industry objects. Modelled are the defects in the operation of assumed objects and then constructed are the relations of the defect-symptom type. The Department conducts also works of a wide utilitarian character for industry (extension of expert systems data bases, calculation of anti-vibrational bearings characteristics, analysis of the dynamical state of various types of rotating machinery.

Departement focuses its activities in the field of aeroelasticity and structural calculations of turbomachinery components and constructions.

Activity of the Centre for Mechanics of Machines

Activity of the Centre for Mechanics of Machines is available as a PDF files, since the year 2000.


2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009

List of papers

The list of papers is available as a PDF files, covers the period since 2001:


2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009


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