
Katarzyna Majewska
Katarzyna Majewska
  • Job Info
    C4/D1 - Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Dept.
    Position Title:
    D.Sc., Ph.D.
    Position Description:
    Associate Professor of IMP PAN
    Contact Info
    +48 58 5225 121
    F 325
    Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
  • Personal Info

    Ms Katarzyna Majewska studied biomedical physics at the University of Gdansk in years 1998-2004. In 2004 she was graduated in Physics from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics and obtained her M.Sc. degree.

    In 2005, for 6 months, she was a trainee at the Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot. She worked at the Marine Hydrodynamics Department in the Air-Sea Interaction Laboratory as a physicist involved in the analysis of aerosol and meteorological data collected in recent years. Twice she took part in a cruise on r/v Oceania.

    In September 2005 she joined the Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Department group at the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery. She obtained a PhD degree in Mechanics in 2011, and a DSc degree in Mechanics Engineering in 2020.

    Her scientific interests are focused on structural health monitoring and non-destructive testing methods using fibre Bragg grating sensors, infrared thermography, and terahertz spectroscopy for composites and additively manufacturing structures as well as on the use of multi-functional materials (primarily magnetic shape memory alloys) for static and dynamic behaviour control of various structures.

    In the area of her research, she took part in the cruise on MS Horyzont II and three times on STS Dar Mlodziezy.

    She was the leader of a projects: Iuventus Plus II (in 2011-2014) as well as MINIATURA 4 (2020-2022).





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